Monday, May 23, 2011

Fracking Lobby Day June 7

This from the Sierra Club.  Join us Tuesday, June 7, but sign up now!
Registration for June 7, 2011 Lobby Day and Rally

Did you know your land has already been leased for natural gas drilling? Over 700,000 acres of our Pennsylvania State Forest land, land that belongs to all Pennsylvanians, is already under lease!
Please Join Us for Our "We Need Protection From Marcellus Shale Drilling!" Lobby Day and Rally
WHAT: "We Need Protection From Marcellus Shale Drilling!" Lobby Day and Rally
WHEN: June 7th, 2011
WHERE: The Capitol Building in Harrisburg, PA (map)
8am-10:30am: Check-in and Briefing
We will meet in the East Wing pf the Capitol outside the cafeteria. Tables will be set up with information packets for participants. You must pre-register by Tuesday, May 31st to have the best chance of securing a meeting! Legislators set their schedules well in advance. If you register later than Tuesday, May 31st, there is no guarantee that we will be able to secure a meeting for you. Meetings will be set from 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm. It will no longer be possible to sign up for a meeting after Friday, June 3rd.
Noon-1pm: All are invited! Rally in the Capitol Rotunda!
Click Here to Register! (It is not necessary to register if you simply want to attend the rally, unless you need transportation.)
Sponsored by: Sierra Club Pennsylvania Chapter, PA Campaign for Clean Water, Clean Water Action, Delaware Riverkeeper Network, PennEnvironment, Gas Truth of Central PA
See you there!

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