Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Call Congress: 202-224-3121

Coalition For Peace Action
Over 30 Years of Peacemaking
40 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, New Jersey, 08542-3208
Telephone: (609) 924-5022
cfpa@peacecoalition.org   www.peacecoalition.org
Spread the Word, Make the Call:

This is a critical moment for the war in Afghanistan. Over the next few weeks, President Obama will be making his decision on U.S. strategy in the region. On Tuesday, May 24, join us and other peace and justice groups for a Day of Action to Exit Afghanistan.
Let Your Voice Be Heard!
Next Tuesday, May 24, call your US Representative and tell them that it's time to exit Afghanistan. We will send a call script via email early on the 24th as well as directions on how to find out who your Representative is.
Your Calls WILL Make a Difference!
Some activists call or email Congress on a regular basis. Some go to meetings or do lobby visits or conference calls with their representatives. Many question if it makes a difference. It does have an impact if a critical mass of calls and emails are done on the same issue, on the same day.
Next week the House of Representatives will be voting on the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Our Representatives will have the opportunity to cast a vote to end the war in Afghanistan because amendments will be submitted for a vote.

The White House is in the middle of deciding how many troops to withdraw from Afghanistan in July. Next week, the votes in the House of Representatives on amendments to the NDAA  will send a huge message to the White House: Time to Exit Afghanistan!

In many states and cities, a fierce fight is going on in opposition to devastating cuts to community services. Today, NYC Public Advocate Bill di Blasio, wrote a compelling article
linking the necessity to end the war in order to redirect resources to fund our communities. On May 24, we have to send that message to Washington!
Spread the Word on the Internet!
1. Change your facebook profile picture to the Exit Afghanistan sign and post the following message as either a facebook status or a tweet:
President Obama: It's time to exit Afghanistan now. Time is money ($10 billion/month) and it's time to stop wasting it. It's time to bring the troops home.

2. If you are on Twitter: use the Hashtag #Time2Exit
3. Like the Coalition for Peace Action on facebook!

A majority of people think that the war in Afghanistan should end, but in order for that to happen, Washington has to hear from YOU! Help us spread the peace movement's message!

The Rev. Robert Moore
Executive Director
Coalition for Peace Action &
Peace Action Education Fund
40 Witherspoon St.
Princeton, NJ 08542
(609) 924-5022 Phone

Our Mission
Working for the global abolition of nuclear weapons, a peace economy and a halt to weapons trafficking at home and abroad.

Helpful Links

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