Sunday, May 1, 2011

Smart Security Resolution

The Smart Security campaign is working to get various political, professional, labor, and religious groups to endorse a resolution to our local congressmen to sharply cut military spending.  This is the resolution unanimously adopted by the Radnor Township Democratic Committee in March.  If you know of a group that would welcome the showing of our 9-minute video and might adopt a similar resolution, please contact us at or

Resolution to Support PA Smart Security Campaign
WHEREAS military spending has doubled over the last ten years and now approaches one trillion dollars/year, representing more than half of all discretionary federal spending; and
WHEREAS President Obama has cited almost $300 billion in cost overruns over the last five years alone; and
WHEREAS several Defense Secretaries, including Secretary Gates, have requested that major weapons systems be dropped from production; and
WHEREAS the U.S. borrows money from other countries to maintain nearly 1000 military installations in 130 different countries; and
WHEREAS more than 10 million workers are unemployed in the US and 40 states are nearing bankruptcy; and
WHEREAS military spending creates a fraction of the number of jobs that spending for education, transportation or alternative energy creates; and
WHEREAS a major reduction in military spending could be used to address budget deficits and the under-funding of health, education, public safety, housing, and veterans; and
WHEREAS the bipartisan Sustainable Defense Task Force chaired by Reps. Barney Frank and Ron Paul has found at least $100 billion per year that can safely be cut from military spending; and
WHEREAS the Sustainable Defense Task Force asserts that this reduction in military spending would not endanger the national security, the efforts to contain terrorism, or support for U.S. troops;
WHEREAS the PA Campaign for Smart Security has locally spearheaded the reduction of federal military spending in conjunction with the Sustainable Defense Task Force;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Radnor Democratic Committee supports the military spending cuts recommended by the Sustainable Defense Task Force, including retiring many of our bases abroad and cutting unneeded weapons systems.
AND THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Radnor Democratic Committee supports the PA Campaign for Smart Security ( in this worthy cause;
AND THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Radnor Democratic Committee will communicate the content of this resolution to our representatives in the U.S. Congress and Senate delegation and urge its adoption by other Committees across the County.
Passed unanimously by the Radnor Democratic Committee at their regular monthly meeting Wednesday, March 16, 2011.

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