Saturday, March 17, 2012

Santorum Said What?

Our friend, Upper Merion Supervisor Carole Kenney,  points out similarities between Santorum and Kyl's attitude toward facts

dangerous and desperate and delusional
that describes her to a D!
<<Charisma trumps experience; celebrity trumps substance; and, perhaps most disturbingly, anger trumps reason. >>
and, apparently, no need for truth either - the latest in ridiculousness:
Santorum's spokeswoman re: his absolute invented fantasies masquerading as facts about Netherlands' euthanasia laws: "He's just speaking from what's in his HEART"......
Sounds like Kyl's spokesperson, commenting on Kyl's fantastical Planned Parenthood attack: "his remark was not intended to be a factual statement"
So. Are we clear here? We don't need no stinkin' facts to get in the way of political discourse!
Just say whatever is in your heart, and don't worry your pretty little head about making silly ole factual statements......

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