Sunday, March 4, 2012

Jean Haskell's Letter To The Inquirer

Outrage over war
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," said philosopher George Santayana. And now Tony Auth (Feb. 23) makes it graphic - as the fife-and-drum players emerge from the Revolutionary War to leave Iraq and Afghanistan in burning embers, soldiers lie in graveyards, and potential leaders of the free world march toward war in Iran.
I am outraged that presidential candidates would even think about bombing Iran. I am outraged that Israel would even consider bombing its neighbor, Iran, however unfriendly, an action that would inevitably lead to World War III. I am outraged that President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would put "all options on the table."
I am outraged that those who advocate another useless, senseless war get all the media coverage while those of us who work for peace barely get noticed. When will they ever learn?
Jean Haskell, Philadelphia,

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