Monday, March 12, 2012

John McCain On Wasting Money - Army Style

On March 8, Senator John McCain said that the Army’s notoriously inefficient acquisition has wasted more than $300 billion over the past decade. This means that the Army managed to waste more than 3/5 of the $ that the Pentagon is supposed to cut if automatic deficit cuts go into effect (after savings from interest are deducted).

The day before, Pentagon officials testified that automatic deficit cuts would literally force the Pentagon to shut down and stop operating.

- How can an outfit that wastes $300 billion claim that can’t find any more savings without turning off the lights? (thanks to Stephen Miles of Win Without War for this point!)

-And that’s just the Army. What about the billions that the other three service branches are still wasting on planes that can barely fly, ships we don’t need, and nukes that can blow up the world many times over?

-This is money we need in our communities to create jobs, save vital services, and get our economy back on track.

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