Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Call Your Congressman

Your Rep. Is Voting this Week on the NDAA

This week, your representative will vote on legislation authorizing U.S. military policy. The House debate on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) may be one of the few opportunities this year to influence the direction of military and foreign policy. Your telephone calls this week will make a difference.
FCNL lobbyists expect votes on withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan, funding new nuclear weapons, preventing war with Iran, Pentagon spending and many other issues. We will not know until Wednesday afternoon exactly which policy choices will be allowed to come to a vote, but we do know that members of Congress are listening closely to what their constituents think about these issues.
This is an extraordinary opportunity—and the window to influence your representative’s votes is a small one. We encourage you to call your representative today about one or at most two of the possible amendments listed below that matter to you. To reach your representative, call the Capitol Switchboard toll-free at 877-429-0678 and ask for your representative by name.
We’ve set up a special web page to provide regular updates throughout the week as we learn which amendments will be cleared for a vote on the House floor. Check back to find out which amendments your representative will vote on.

Here are the amendments we’re watching for:

Require All U.S. Troops to Leave Afghanistan: We expect Reps. Jim McGovern (MA), Walter Jones (NC) and Adam Smith (WA) to offer an amendment to require all U.S. troops to leave Afghanistan by 2014 and to state that the president needs specific new congressional authorization to leave any troops in Afghanistan past that date. Ask your representative to vote “yes” on the McGovern-Jones-Smith amendment to require the U.S. to leave Afghanistan by 2014.
Repeal the Authorization for the Use of Military Force: We expect amendments to repeal the 2001 Authorization from Reps. Barbara Lee (CA) and Adam Schiff (CA). The Authorization continues to be the legal basis for U.S. wars and drone strikes. Ask your representative to vote “yes” on the Lee and Schiff amendments to repeal the Authorization for the Use of Military Force.
Stop the B61 Nuclear Bomb Project: We expect Reps. Rick Larsen (WA), Ed Markey (MA), Earl Blumenauer (OR) and Loretta Sanchez (CA) to offer an amendment to limit funding for the refurbishment of the B61 nuclear bomb until Congress receives a report about our NATO allies' role in this project. Ask your representative to vote “yes” on the Larsen-Markey-Blumenauer-Sanchez amendment to limit funding for the B61 bomb.
Un-Declare War with Iran: We expect Reps. John Conyers (MI) and Walter Jones (NC) to offer an amendment stating that nothing in the National Defense Authorization Act should be viewed as an authorization for the use of force against Iran. Ask your representative to vote “yes” on the Conyers-Jones amendment not to allow the use of force against Iran.
Close Guantanamo Bay Prison: We expect Rep. Adam Smith (WA) to offer an amendment to provide a framework for closing the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Ask your representative to vote "yes" on the Smith amendment to close Guantanamo Bay prison.
Prevent War with Syria: We expect Reps. John Conyers (MI), Peter Welch (VT) and Steve Cohen (TN) to offer an amendment to prohibit U.S. troops or contractors from operating in Syria. Ask your representative to vote "yes" on the Conyers amendment to prevent war with Syria.
We’ll update our website as we get new information on which amendments will be voted on. Check back often, and remember you can reach your representative toll-free at 877-429-0678. Thank you for contacting your member about these significant actions.

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