Thursday, May 23, 2013

Stop The Drones!

First monthly Protest calling for stopping the new Drone Command Center near Warrington, PA

TAND UP. SPEAK OUT. DED BETTER. | For the most up-to-date information, please

Saturday, May 25, 2013 | 12:00-2:00 pm


Demonstrate at Horsham Air Guard Station

Click here for a good web site on the major emerging issue of drones

We will be setting up at the grass field at the northern tip of the base (at the intersection of County Line & Easton Road). Parking at Warrington Crossing Regal movieplex (click here for directions:

There will be a battery operated sound system for speakers, music, readings and information regarding the drone program, along with an 8 foot drone replica, and much more


Join us in protest of the proposed Horsham reaper command center. Rise up against the unsanctioned killing of innocent civilians via Reaper Drones. Help raise awareness while this is still fresh - this is so much bigger than a handful of "good american jobs". This program is wrong. This is our town - It's our obligation to stand up and say something about it.

Drones are killing innocent people & creating a new generation of terrorists facebook
For more information contact BuxMont CFPA at or 215-917-2891 or 215-380-6804; or or Coaliton for Peace Action regional headquarters at (609) 924-5022 or

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