Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Letter To The Editor

What will congressman do about military spending?
To the Editor:

Has anyone in the Seventh Congressional District heard either major candidate say anything about cutting military spending? The subject is timely as Congress gears up to talk budget next month as we head for the feared “Fiscal Cliff.” Secretary Panetta makes nervous remarks about sequestration: Armageddon, hollow out our forces, whatever. But critics don’t want to starve the troops, slash veterans’ benefits, leave us defenseless, etc. Instead we should go after nuclear weapons (why do we need hundreds or thousands of them?), billion-dollar jet fighters (to take on enemies who operate out of caves), overseas bases (more than a thousand at last count), obscene cost-padding and profiteering throughout the weapons industry (leading to a “defense” budget greater than the next 10 nations combined). We’d like to hear the candidates tell us where they stand, and why.


Bryn Mawr
Published in Main Line Times August 13, 2012.

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