Monday, December 5, 2011

Social Security Saved! (So Far So Good)

Super Committee right not to cut

To the Editor:

Despite claims that that the Congressional Super Committee that was charged with reducing the federal deficit was a “failure,” the American people know it wasn’t. In the end, the programs we value and depend on so much were not cut. In fact, we should be proud that so many of us stood up and demanded that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid be excluded from the negotiations. People from across America called and wrote their Members of Congress, demonstrated at rallies and talked to their friends and neighbors, and the result was nothing short of extraordinary. Our collective voice stopped those in Washington from cutting programs critical to working Americans. We should pause to count our blessings and then prepare for the next wave because while this battle may be over, the war against Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid rages on.


Jane Dugdale,  Bryn Mawr

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