Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Sword To Cut Military Spending?

A group called "Second To None" plans to march up capitol hill today to protest any cuts in military spending. ["Second to none" may refer to the US Navy, which is as large as all the other fleets of the world combined].  A militarist lobbyist says that the Super Committee's instructions on military spending constitute a "sword of Damocles" hanging over the Pentagon.  The militarists' knowledge of the classics is no better than their grasp of economics.  Cicero mentioned Damocles in his Disputations, a callow youth who yearned to be king, only to learn that people in power live with an allegorical sword hanging over their head.  The 1812 painting by Richard Westfall depicts Damocles in approximately the spot where the military-industrical complex finds itself.


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