Friday, July 8, 2011

Do Republicans Deserve To Rule?

We  don't usually copy David Brooks on this blog.  In fact we have trouble reading him because he has in the past hewed so close to the GOP line.  But today he seems to make eminent sense asking if a party that takes an oath to refuse all new revenue is fit to govern.  You know that someone named Grover Norquist has been going around to Republicans and demanding that they sign a pledge to eschew all new taxes in all situations.  This pledge apparently takes precedence over the oath they take when taking office to uphold and defend the consitution of their state or nation.  Imagine what we would think if a congressman took an oath to vote against any Jewish nominee for a federal office.  Or an oath to vote only for spending bills aimed specifically toward his home state?  We would get him out of office.  But people are taking Norquist's oath seriously.  Obama seems to playing to their lunacy [see Paul Krugman's column below].  Should such a party run Congress?  At long last David Brooks thinks no.  A good read.

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