In 2007 Obama assured us he would make sure that GMO's were properly labelled and the American people kept informed of this intrusion on their food supply. Last week he signed the Monsanto Protection Act that protects the company from any legal action in GMO's. Why does he go all weak in the knees when dealing with large corporations?
We want a "peace economy" that creates jobs, invests in our communities, restores and improves public services, saves the environment, and builds the infrastucture. We urge you to sign the petition at that calls for an end to the austerity and militarism that this Congress and Administration seem intent on.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Buy Rendell For $30,000/Year
The gas industry is giving Ed $30,000 per year. No reason; they just love him.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
Sr. Simone Campell and Paul Ryan
Sister Simone Campbell was one of the "Nuns On The Bus," she is Executive Director of Network, a Catholic social service non-profit in Washington, she addressed the 2012 Democratic Convention, and she was our #1 candidate for Pope. She has a few things to Tell Rep. Paul Ryan about real people.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Friday, March 22, 2013
How Stupid Are The Big Banks?
What's scary about the big banks that Attorney General Holder calls "too big to jail" is that they increasingly seem to deal in incompetence masked by gibberish.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
This Sunday's Bill Moyer & Co. features Richard Wolff and Sheila Bair talking with Bill about the ABC's of economic inequality. The program airs at Noon Sunday in Philadelphia on WHYY-TV, Channel 12. Details at the link.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Will The Euro Crash Start With Cyprus?
Is the insult to Cypriot depositors the beginning of a Euro crash? The markets seem to suggest that.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Call Your Congressperson
Congress will vote in the next few days about next year's federal budget. Tell your Congresperson to vote for the BackToWork budget. Click the link for a one page outline. Call your congressperson at 202-224-3121.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Will The GOP Force Filibuster Reform?
As hesitant as many Democrats are to change the Senate's filibuster rules, their hand may be forced by Republican misuse of the ancient maneuver.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
GOP And Slavery
Are we watching the death throes of the Republican Party?
On Irish Austerity
The Austerity people are still at it, although there is no evidence that it is an economic policy that makes sense. Look at Ireland.
A Senate Budget At Last!
After four years, the Senate has finally come up with a federal budget, and if it is not as effective as the Congressional Progressive Caucus budget, it is certainly a step in the right direction.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Coming Events at Haverford College
A listing of lectures, concerts, and art shows at Haverford College in the next few weeks.
Webinar On Foreign Bases 3/21
The United States spends some $170 billion every year on military bases and
other military presence in other countries, but this presence and its cost often
go unnoticed in the United States.
Anthropologist researchers David Vine (American University) and
Catherine Lutz (Brown University) will help you understand the far-flung
and massive U.S. military presence in more than 100 countries, and how to obtain
information you can use in the current budget debates, in solidarity with
impacted communities in other countries, and to understand material expression
of empire.
Join us for this free webinar sponsored by FOR!
Unraveling the Pentagon's Foreign
A free webinar on researching U.S. bases and bringing troops home
A free webinar on researching U.S. bases and bringing troops home
Thursday, March 21, 2:00 PM Eastern/11:00 AM
PacificRegister for this free webinar
Who is this webinar for?
- people active in current campaigns to ensure cuts in the Pentagon budget
- members of diaspora communities from countries affected by U.S. military bases
- anyone seeking a more just and demilitarized foreign policy
This webinar is open to everyone, so please spread the word to friends,
colleagues and activists!
John Lindsay-Poland
Research and Advocacy Director
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Research and Advocacy Director
Fellowship of Reconciliation
of Reconciliation | P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
for |
Woodie Guthre's 100th
Now, a hundred years after his birth, there's still truth in Woodie Guthrie and good news too.
Brandywine Peace Events
Here's a listing of the many events planned by Brandywine Peace Community. Come out, welcome spring, and join your Brandywine brothers and sisters.
"The Gatekeepers" At BMFI
The film "The Gatekeepers" begins a run on Friday, March 15, at the Bryn
Mawr Film Institute.
Featuring interviews with all surviving former heads of Israel’s Shin
Bet counterterrorism security agency, this riveting, Oscar-nominated documentary
expertly articulates the brutal recent history of the Israeli-Palestinian
Rated PG-13, the film is 1hr, 35 min.
Link to the Official
Link to Reviews
You can click times below to buy tickets.
- Friday, March 15
1:30pm · 4:15pm · 7:15pm · 9:15pm - Saturday, March 16
1:30pm · 4:15pm · 7:15pm · 9:15pm - Sunday, March 17
1:30pm · 4:15pm · 7:15pm - Monday, March 18
3:15pm · 5:45pm · 8:15pm - Tuesday, March 19
3:00pm · 5:00pm - Wednesday, March 20
2:15pm · 5:45pm · 8:15pm - Thursday, March 21
3:15pm · 5:45pm · 8:15pm
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Here's The Back To Work Budget!
The Congressional Progressive Caucus has released details about its "Back To Work Budget." This is an exciting alternative to the draconian GOP Ryan Budget. Back to work creates seven million new jobs in one year and cuts the deficit by $4.4 trillion. It does it by raising taxes on higher wages and investments, restoring grants to the states to enable rehiring of thousands of laid-off teachers, police, firemen, and social workers, and cutting military spending (particularly bringing the troops home from Afghanistan). It will be proposed as an amendment to the Ryan Budget. Click the link to learn about it.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Sign up to support the congressional bill that will stop this lobbying. Go to

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Scott Brown Joins A Lobbying Firm
You thought the law required senators to take off two years before becoming lobbyists. Just call them something else. Kay Baily Hutchinson did it. Newt Gingrich did it (a "consulting historian"!). This is just the sort of shenanigans that the American Anti-corruption Act will stop. Its second point: call lobbyists lobbyists.
Getting Your Congressman's Attention
Most of us regularly send e-mails or phone calls to our congresspersons or other members of congress in important positions. Does it do any good? This article looks at a serious study of the question and comes up with some good advice. Still not answered: are FAX messages effective?
The Gateway Issue
If you ask the man (or
woman) on the street why Congress can’t get anything done, he (or she) will
almost certainly blame it on money – the huge sums that corporations and their
lobbyists sluice through Capitol Hill every day. No matter what your favorite cause is –
cutting military spending, saving the environment, improving transportation,
reforming education, reducing health care costs – you won’t get it done because
of money – corruption. And if it’s not
campaign money that’s offered, it’s the opportunity of a high-paying job in a
lobbying firm. So the American
Anti-Corruption Act is the gateway issue.
Until we fix this problem, we’ll make no progress anywhere else.
About the Act
The Act was crafted by former
Federal Election Commission chairman Trevor Potter in consultation with dozens
of strategists, democracy reform leaders, and constitutional attorneys from
across the political spectrum.
The Act would transform how
elections are financed, how lobbyists influence politics, and how political
money is disclosed. It’s a sweeping proposal that would reshape the rules of
American politics, and restore ordinary Americans as the most important
stakeholders instead of the major donors. The Act enjoys support from
progressives and conservatives alike.
Constitutional attorneys confirm
that the provisions are
constitutional. The Act is being championed by the Represent.Us campaign.
Why Not A Constitutional Amendment ?
We wish our friends at MoveToAmend
well, but we think a constitutional amendment won’t do the job because (1) it
won’t cover all the details of lobbying and bundling, and (2) an amendment will
not only require a 2/3 vote in each house of congress (!) but also ratification
by 38 states (!!).
What Are the Provisions of AACA? The actual
11-page bill:
Prohibit congresspersons from
soliciting contributions from the interests they regulate.
Expand the definition of and
register ALL lobbyists.
Toughen rules regarding coordination
between Super PACS and campaigns.
Empower voters by creating a $100
tax rebate for contributions to candidates.
Require disclosure of names of
Close the lobby “revolving door” by
instituting a 7 year moratorium on transfers of personnel to lobbies.
Limit lobbyist donations to
candidates, parties, and committees.
Require full and fast disclosure of
funding sources for all political ads.
Enforce the rules. Strengthen the Federal Elections Commission and the
congressional ethics enforcement processes.
What’s The Plan? To "sponsor" the bill, go to
Start collecting signatures of
citizen “sponsors” by internet and signed petitions through 2013.
In November, 2013, have the bill
introduced in both houses with 1,000,000 sponsoring signatures. As of 3/11/13 more than 338,039 have signed.
Inform congressmen who don’t support
AACA they will be opposed in primaries and general elections in 2014.
Single Payer Health Care
Single Payer (also called "medicare for all") is on the table again. Obamacare will not solve the very real problems with healthcare, but it does allow individual states to withdraw from its provisions and establish their own systems. Vermont is very near to doing that, and Pennsylvania could be. For details, go to and read this link by the movement's leader, Chuck Pennacchio.
Monday, March 11, 2013
From "Too Much" Magazine
Add another casualty — the cultural sector — to the toll that high levels of inequality exact from society. Two Polish sociologists, Tomasz Szlendak and Arkadiusz Karwacki, have published new research that compares levels of cultural activity across 22 European Union nations. In more equal societies, the two researchers note in the journal International Sociology, people attend more theatrical performances, visit more art museums, and read more books. What’s shoving time for culture aside in more unequal nations? Wider income gaps, Szlendak and Karwacki suspect, raise the profile of high-status material goods and shift people’s focus onto work-related activities that can help them afford these high-status goods — at the expense of less visible cultural activities . . .
This January, for the first time ever, over 50,000 people slept every night in New York City’s homeless shelters. The number of homeless families in New York overall has soared 18 percent since last year. Also soaring: the pay of Wall Street’s top private equity execs. At KKR, Henry Kravis and George Roberts pulled in $207.9 million in dividends alone last year. Their 2011 dividend total: $128.4 million. Making the windfalls even sweeter: The “fiscal cliff” tax deal enacted in January continues the preferential tax treatment of dividend income. On their 2012 tax return, that preferential treatment will save Kravis and Roberts alone over $40 million, nearly enough to restore state funding for a program ended in 2011 that subsidized rent for families leaving homeless shelters . . .
India’s top economic analyst suggested earlier this year that India’s rich ought to pay more in taxes. India’s rich promptly erupted. Higher tax rates, the Times of India intoned, would only “encourage tax evasion.” But tax evasion is already running wild in India, despite a tax rate that has maxed out since 1997 at a mere 30 percent, less than a third India’s top rate 40 years ago. Only 42,800 Indians today admit to making over $180,000 in U.S. dollars. Observers estimate India boasts at least ten times that many high-earners. The just-announced latest Indian budget raises the top tax rate on India’s rich only to 34 percent. Even so, the rich are still complaining — and threatening to exit India. They won’t be going anywhere, retorts finance minister P. Chidambaram. Where else but India, he asks, could a rich person “afford to employ” as many servants
India’s top economic analyst suggested earlier this year that India’s rich ought to pay more in taxes. India’s rich promptly erupted. Higher tax rates, the Times of India intoned, would only “encourage tax evasion.” But tax evasion is already running wild in India, despite a tax rate that has maxed out since 1997 at a mere 30 percent, less than a third India’s top rate 40 years ago. Only 42,800 Indians today admit to making over $180,000 in U.S. dollars. Observers estimate India boasts at least ten times that many high-earners. The just-announced latest Indian budget raises the top tax rate on India’s rich only to 34 percent. Even so, the rich are still complaining — and threatening to exit India. They won’t be going anywhere, retorts finance minister P. Chidambaram. Where else but India, he asks, could a rich person “afford to employ” as many servants
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Moyers & Co And Lincoln
Moyers & Co presents an encore of its program about Lincoln and what he can still teach us more than a century since his death. PBS at Noon Sunday, in Philadelphia Channel 12 WHYY-TV. Or click on this link to watch it now.
Friday, March 8, 2013
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Thursday, March 7, 2013
On The Death Of Hugo Chavez
The death of Hugo Chavez calls all of us to consider his story and his legacy. This article by Tariq Ali in The Guardian does a very good job.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
It's Time For Single Payer in Pennsylvania!
Here's a good-news message from Dr. Walter Tsou about the economic impact statement now released about the advantages of replacing Obamacare with a single-payer system in Pennsylvania. Time for all to get on board!
After several years, we have finally released an independent study by Univ. of Mass health economist, Gerald Friedman on the impact of a state single payer plan for Pennsylvania. The study and its findings can be found at The bottom line is that we can provide better care while SAVING $17 billion annually, more than enough to help fund our schools and roads and bridges. The economic boost that a state single payer plan would give Pennsylvania is enough to reverse the tremendous cuts being forced upon us in the state. NO other proposal could save us this much in state funding. On March 19, Sen. Jim Ferlo from Pittsburgh will be introducing his state single payer plan for the Commonwealth. Time for all Pennsylvanians who want to see a better Commonwealth to tell their legislators that it is time for a single payer plan.
· Eliminates the need for hospitals to absorb the cost of care for the uninsured;
· Reduces bureaucracy for private physicians resulting in reduced administrative costs and improved compensation for private physicians;
· Reduces or eliminates health insurance over-costs for small business, allowing for more job creation, greater reinvestment of profits, and reduced workers’ compensation costs.
· Radically reduces the total cost of health care to levels more consistent with costs in the rest of the industrialized world.
After several years, we have finally released an independent study by Univ. of Mass health economist, Gerald Friedman on the impact of a state single payer plan for Pennsylvania. The study and its findings can be found at The bottom line is that we can provide better care while SAVING $17 billion annually, more than enough to help fund our schools and roads and bridges. The economic boost that a state single payer plan would give Pennsylvania is enough to reverse the tremendous cuts being forced upon us in the state. NO other proposal could save us this much in state funding. On March 19, Sen. Jim Ferlo from Pittsburgh will be introducing his state single payer plan for the Commonwealth. Time for all Pennsylvanians who want to see a better Commonwealth to tell their legislators that it is time for a single payer plan.
Study Proves That
Single-Payer Health Care is Best for Pennsylvanians And For the
Commonwealth’s Economy
Erie, Pennsylvania February 26, 2013 -- Health Care for All
PA, a statewide non-profit organization today released an economic impact
study. The results prove that a single-payer health care plan will
save families, businesses and tax payers $17 billion annually
while at the same time providing comprehensive health care to all.
This study was done by University of Massachusetts – Amherst
professor of economics Gerald Friedman, Ph.D. It compares the
cost of the current for-profit health insurance model in Pennsylvania whereby
provider choice is limited and health services are rationed by health insurance
companies to that of a consumer-driven health care system which lets people have
the freedom to choose their own doctors, hospitals and health care
Some of the important advantages of a single-payer system
· Comprehensive
coverage for every resident of Pennsylvania,
including dental, vision and mental health services;
· Eliminates the need for hospitals to absorb the cost of care for the uninsured;
· Reduces bureaucracy for private physicians resulting in reduced administrative costs and improved compensation for private physicians;
· Reduces or eliminates health insurance over-costs for small business, allowing for more job creation, greater reinvestment of profits, and reduced workers’ compensation costs.
· Radically reduces the total cost of health care to levels more consistent with costs in the rest of the industrialized world.
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The Plutocrats Are Not Here Tonight
Here's the beautiful old Plaza Hotel in Manhattan, now mostly condos and mostly dark. Why? The plutocrats who own these units have so many homes scattered around the posh world that they spend only a few nights each year here. These are the super rich - the 1% of the 1%. If you're interested in learning more about them, you might enjoy Chrystia Freeland's "The Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else," reviewed below by Martin Wolf.
"Chrystia Freeland has written a fascinating account of perhaps the most important economic and political development of our era: the rise of a new plutocracy. She explains that today’s wealthy are different from their predecessors: more skilled and more global; and more often employees than owners, notably so in finance and high technology. By putting together stories of individuals with reading of the scholarly evidence, she gives us a clear view of what many will view as a not so brave new world."
--Martin Wolf, Chief Economics Commentator for the Financial Times
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Here Comes "Austerity Economics"
Social Security used to be called "the third rail" of American politics. Anyone who touched it was in serious trouble. But now, in pursuit of some sort of "grand bargain," the President and Congressional Democrats are offering to monkey with it to gain concessions from Republicans. Call your Congressperson (202-224-3121) and tell him or her to leave the social safety net alone.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Where's The Money In America?
Help Prevent An Iran War
The run-up to war doesn’t happen overnight. It’s made up of small steps to
slowly build acceptance for the idea of military action.
A group of senators have introduced just such a bill that urges US military and other support if Israel attacks Iran. Tell your senators to oppose this backdoor to war with Iran.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a powerful lobbying group with hawkish positions on Iran, is marching on the Hill this week, bringing thousands of supporters to DC to lobby in favor of this bill.
It is very difficult for senators to say no to pressure to support this bill if they aren’t hearing from the other side. Your senators need to hear from you right now.
While the resolution is nonbinding, it sends a very dangerous message. When powerful senators from both parties officially announce that the US should back Israel in the event of an ill-conceived attack on Iran, it undermines ongoing diplomatic efforts and normalizes the idea of bombing Iran.
We know an attack on Iran would be shortsighted and tragic. Let your senators know you’re not going to sit back quietly while they take us on a path toward war. Take action now.
Thank you.
Rebecca Griffin
Political Director
A group of senators have introduced just such a bill that urges US military and other support if Israel attacks Iran. Tell your senators to oppose this backdoor to war with Iran.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a powerful lobbying group with hawkish positions on Iran, is marching on the Hill this week, bringing thousands of supporters to DC to lobby in favor of this bill.
It is very difficult for senators to say no to pressure to support this bill if they aren’t hearing from the other side. Your senators need to hear from you right now.
While the resolution is nonbinding, it sends a very dangerous message. When powerful senators from both parties officially announce that the US should back Israel in the event of an ill-conceived attack on Iran, it undermines ongoing diplomatic efforts and normalizes the idea of bombing Iran.
We know an attack on Iran would be shortsighted and tragic. Let your senators know you’re not going to sit back quietly while they take us on a path toward war. Take action now.
Thank you.
Rebecca Griffin
Political Director
Peace Action West
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Selma Again
It was forty-eight years ago today that John Lewis and others set out to walk from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. The police had other ideas. From that struggle came the modern civil rights movement. Now we have members of the Supreme Court who question the need for a Voting Rights Act.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Stand Up Against These Deadly
Tuesday, March 5, Noon, in front of the Delaware
County Courthouse, Media, PA 19063
Members of Congress left the Capitol
yesterday for their home districts, and today the long awaited and threatened
"sequester" goes into effect, mandating cuts in Federal spending across the
wrong, deadly wrong! Its unjust that our communities and people should
have to pay for priorities that got us into this mess -- priorities that give
and give to the Pentagon, its wars, and the greed of its military contractors,
in the hundreds of billions year after year.
The demand for real cuts to the Pentagon
must be kept on the table during any budget negotiations that happen this year
and human needs spending must be protected.
This Coming Tuesday, March
5, from Noon - 1p.m.
Plan to stand up against these deadly priorities, Stand for justice, and for peace, in front of the Delaware County Courthouse, Front Street and Veterans Square, in (Everybody's Hometown) Media, Delaware County.
Hold the banner above which illustrates the reality we face.
Military spending is killing us and we must save ourselves and our communities.
Plan to stand up against these deadly priorities, Stand for justice, and for peace, in front of the Delaware County Courthouse, Front Street and Veterans Square, in (Everybody's Hometown) Media, Delaware County.
Hold the banner above which illustrates the reality we face.
Military spending is killing us and we must save ourselves and our communities.
Join with members of Chester Quarterly
Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and its Peace Center of
Delaware County. Other banners and signs will be available from the Peace
Center of Delaware County, the Brandywine Peace Community, Main Line Peace
Action, and other groups.
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